HANDSOME follows two brothers, Nick & Alex, as they embark on a worldwide journey to discover what life is like for other siblings living with Down’s Syndrome. From Cornwall to New York, to Vietnam and Mumbai, they encounter families from different cultural backgrounds who each have their own outlook on living with disabilities. Along the way, with joy, laughter, and the day-to-day challenges they face, they learn more about their own relationship and the special bond they have with one another.

Handsome is made by twin brothers and filmmakers Luke White (Director) and Ed White (Producer, Director of Photography) who were given complete access to the lives of Nick and Alex. What unfolds is a compelling exploration of sibling bonds pushed to breaking point, personal challenges that cross continents and cultures, and a bittersweet road movie of tears, tantrums and laughter.


1h 38m

Director: Luke White
Cast: Alexander Bourne, Nicholas Bourne, Amber Maaillard

UK Release: Digital platforms 30th August 2021