Single mother Amina lives on the outskirts of Chad’s capital, seeking out a meagre wage selling stoves she makes from scrap metal. When she discovers her 15-year-old daughter is pregnant she faces an impossible situation in a country where abortion is condemned. In his latest film Chadian cinema pioneer Mahamat-Saleh Haroun takes us into the hidden lives of women and the often secret networks they weave to survive. Effortlessly evocative and stunning in its weighted use of silence and reserved perspective, Lingui, The Sacred Bonds is a triumph of determination and bravery.

Lingui, The Sacred Bonds

1h 27m

Director: Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
Cast: Achouackh Abakar Souleymane, Rihane Khalil Alio, Youssouf Diaoro,

UK Release: Cinemas 4th February 2022