Ivy, a struggling singer stuck performing in dive bars, dreams of performing in higher-end music clubs. Set in the dark kaleidoscope music-world of New Orleans, Ivy is haunted by untreated bulimia which twists her form into a hideous monster. The only way to stop her grotesque transformation from taking over - is to use her eating disorder. Ivy is stuck in an endless cycle of binging and purging as she withdraws deeper into her own deformed psyche. She struggles to maintain a sense of normalcy as relationships with everyone in her band, her job, and her home quickly unravel as she desperately hides her bulimia and her even darker secret – she’s a monster. As she descends even deeper into the illness that controls her body and mind, her voice disturbingly deteriorates. When her big break finally comes, she is forced to face her addiction and the monsters that come with it, or risk losing everything.


1h 28m

Director: Samantha Aldana
Cast: Kelly Murtagh, Bobby Gilchrist, Jamie Neumann, Marco Dapper, Erika Ashley, Gralen Bryant Banks, Zardis Nichols

UK Release: Digital Platforms 19th September 2022