The Last Tourist, which was awarded with the ‘Special Jury Prize for Social Impact’ by the Canadian Documentary Jury at the Calgary International Film Festival, examines the history of modern tourism and offers a critique on its current state of affairs. It explores important issues including animals suffering for entertainment, orphaned children exploited for profit, and developing economies strained under the massive weight of foreign-owned hotel chains. We meet local heroes who are leveraging tourism to preserve cultural heritage, sustain wildlife, and support the social and economic wellbeing of communities. THE LAST TOURIST empowers audiences with knowledge and inspiration to make a positive impact and fundamentally change the way we travel.

Executive producer, Bruce Poon Tip says

“We’ve always said travel - community tourism in particular - could be the biggest distributor of wealth the world has ever seen, and even the fastest path to peace. We wanted to bring this message, illustrated by a series of life-changing stories, to life on the big screen and at the same time expose some of the often well-intentioned but harmful practices many tourism experiences support. The Last Tourist demonstrates what a dire state the industry was in pre-pandemic, and recommends tangible ways travelers can use their personal power to have a positive impact as the world reopens to international travel again. I ask everyone who travels, and cares about the impact they have when they do, to watch this important film when it is released on March 15, and spread the word about how there is a better way to travel,"

The Last Tourist


Director: Tyson Sadler

US Release: Digital Platforms 15th March 2022